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Kiwi Gardener

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Kiwi Gardener

The practical guide for gardeners who like to get their hands dirty.


Connects 114,000* green thumbs across the country every month


A growing resource for gardeners of every level


100% Kiwi owned and operated, produced in Christchurch


Three-time winner of NZCNA Best All Round Lifestyle Magazine; MPA Highly Commended Front Cover 2020

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Kiwi Gardener

Every issue provides the advice that enables Kiwi gardeners to get the most out of their plants, throughout the seasons.





Growing Resource

Kiwi Gardener is the magazine for gardeners who like to get their hands dirty. Our aim is to build on our connections with garden clubs and societies, continue to highlight the efforts of everyday Kiwi gardeners and arm readers – especially beginners – with all they need to get the most out of their backyard, every season.


Features on growing plants (natives, flowers, trees) and edibles (vegetables, fruit, nuts, herbs) are presented as guides to all that can be added to the garden that month.


Supported by a loyal subscriber base, Facebook community and newsletter database, Kiwi Gardener connects with 106,000* green thumbs across the country. (*Nielsen Q4 2020-Q3 2021)


Kiwi Gardener Quarterly

Another award-winning publication produced is our Kiwi Gardener Quarterly, which is released four times a year to guide real gardeners through their seasonal planting decisions. Expect the best advice on one specific topic, every issue.


To keep track of all your progress, don't miss the Kiwi Gardener Journal. This annual release arrives on the shelves in November and includes moon calendar information, monthly tasks and plenty of space to jot down where and when you planted that garlic this time.


Be tempted up the garden path by our extensive and forever practical Kiwi Gardener range.


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Reach 106,000 real gardeners when you advertise in Kiwi Gardener
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